1 Jesus, Thou has willed it,
That Thy Church shalt be
One in faith and spirit,
Ever one in Thee.
We the cross are bearing,
Once on Jesus laid;
We the pray'r are praying,
That our Master prayed.
Jesus, Thou hast willed it,
That Thy Church should be
One in faith and spirit,
Ever one in Thee.
2 Tho' the time be distant,
Still we watch and pray,
E'en tho' faint and weary,
Waiting for the day;
When the Church uniting,
In one host shall fight,
'Gainst the pow'r of darkness,
In the Lord's own might. [Refrain]
3 Thou, our heavenly Master,
Bid contentions cease;
Thou, true Prince of Salem,
Give Thy children peace;
Peace from God the Father,
Peace from God the Son,
Peace from God the Spirit,
From the Three in One. [Refrain]
Source: The Church Hymnal: containing hymns approved and set forth by the general conventions of 1892 and 1916; together with hymns for the use of guilds and brotherhoods, and for special occasions (Rev. ed) #575