1 Jesus, Thou art the “Living Way”
In Thee I cannot go astray;
Walking in the beautiful Light of God;
Let me this way now clearly see,
Help me, O! Lord, to trust in Thee,
Walking in the beautiful Light of God.
We are walking in the Light,
We are walking in the Light
We are walking in the Light,
The beautiful Light of God.
We are walking in the Light,
We are walking in the Light
We are walking in the Light,
The beautiful Light of God.
2 Jesus, the blessed “Truth” Thou art,
Implant this truth deep in my heart;
Walking in the beautiful Light of God;
Then I eternal life shall see,
That life is only found in Thee,
Walking in the beautiful Light of God. [Refrain]
3 Thou art “The Door”—the “Only Way”
That leads me up to endless day,
Walking in the beautiful Light of God;
“The Great Physician” of the soul,
One word from Thee can make me whole,
Walking in the beautiful Light of God. [Refrain]
4 Thou art “The Light,” bid darkness flee,
For in Thy light, true light I see,
Walking in the beautiful Light of God;
Oh! “Sun of Righteousness,” arise,
And light my pathway to the skies,
Walking in the beautiful Light of God. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.4 #20