1 Jesus, the water of life will give
Freely, freely, freely.
Jesus the water of life will give
Freely to those who love him.
Come to that fountain, O drink and live,
Freely, freely, freely;
Come to that fountain O drink and live,
Flowing for those that love him.
The Spirit and the Bride say, come,
Freely, freely, freely,
And he that is thirsty let him come
And drink of the water of life.
The fountain of life is flowing,
Flowing, freely flowing,
The fountain of life is flowing,
Is flowing for you and for me.
2 Jesus has promised a home in heaven,
Freely, freely, freely,
Jesus has promised a home in heaven,
Freely to those who love him;
Treasures unfading will there be given,
Freely, freely, freely,
Treasures unfading will there be given,
Freely to those that love him. [Chorus]
3 Jesus has promised a robe of white,
Freely, freely, freely,
Jesus has promised a robe of white,
Freely to those who love him.
Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light,
Freely, freely, freely,
Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light,
Freely to those that love him. [Chorus]
4 Jesus has promised eternal day,
Freely, freely, freely,
Jesus has promised eternal day,
Freely to those who love him;
Pleasures that never shall pass away,
Freely, freely, freely,
Pleasures that never shall pass away,
Freely to those that love him. [Chorus]
5 Jesus has promised a calm repose,
Freely, freely, freely,
Jesus has promised a calm repose,
Freely to all that love him;
Come to the water of life, that flows
Freely, freely, freely,
Come to the water of life, that flows
Freely to all that love him. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Seraph: in seven character notes, for churches and Sunday-schools #140