1 Jesus, the Lord, will soon descend
With shout, with trump of God!
Ye saints, rejoice! His pow’rful voice
The graves shall instant rend,
While saints their voices blend
In notes of rapture, sweet and loud.
2 Come, mighty Shepherd of the sheep!
Come in Thy beauty! come!
To Thee convoke Thy waiting flock,
All saints who wake or sleep
Swift summon forth to keep
Love’s glorious tryst beyond the tomb!
3 Death and the grave with Thee we’ll tread,
In immortality!
Caught up in air, in cloud ranks fair,
Transfigured quick and dead
Shall rise to Thee, their Head;
Death swallowed up in victory!
4 Wake, bride of Christ, in ecstasy,
Love’s glad triumphant chord!
Soon, wondrous sight! all love and light,
The Bridegroom, come for thee,
Shall take thee, bright as He,
To be forever with the Lord!
Source: Evangelistic Songs #55