1. Jesus, the heavenly Bridegroom gave
His life, my wretched soul to save;
Resolved to make his mercy known,
He kindly claims me for his own.
2. Rebellious, I against him strove
Till melted and constrained by love;
With sin and self I freely part,
The heav'nly Bridegroom wins my heart.
3. My guilt, my wretchedness he knows,
Yet takes and owns me for his spouse;
My debts he pays, and sets me free,
And turns his riches o'er to me.
4. My filthy rags are laid aside;
He clothes me as becomes his bride;
Himself bestows my wedding dress,
The robe of perfect righteousness.
5. Angels the wondrous myst’ry view
And tune their golden harps anew;
They touch the loudest string and raise
Their notes to reach the Bridegroom’s praise.
6. Lost in astonishment, I see
Jesus, your boundless love to me;
With angels I your grace adore
And long to love and praise you more.
7. Since you will take me for your bride,
O keep me, Savior, near your side;
I fain would give you all my heart,
Nor ever from my Lord depart.
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #57