1 Jesus still is pleading, gently pleading,
Sinner with thy troubled soul;
Love and mercy thou art sorely needing,
Bid Him come and make thee whole.
See His loving arms extended,
Hear, O hear His tender voice,
Let the time of sin and grief be ended,
Let Him make thy soul rejoice.
He is pleading, ever pleading,
From all sin thy soul He helps to free,
He is pleading, ever pleading,
He is pleading still for thee.
2 Jesus still is pleading, pleading sweetly;
Oh, accept Him while you may;
He will cleanse your guilty soul completely,
Make it fair as noon of day.
He is standing close beside you;
Oh, no more in darkness rove,
Let Him take your trembling hand and guide you,
Let Him feed you with His love. [Refrain]
3 Jesus still is pleading, sweetly pleading;
Heed Him, lest He turn away,
Leaving you His love and mercy needing—
Leaving night instead of day.
Long with you your God has pleaded,
Time of grace will soon be o’er;
Should He leave you with His call unheeded
He might intercede no more. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 5 #42