1. Jesus’ flesh and spirit are
The true Temple of the Lord;
Come we then and worship there
God in the incarnate Word!
There the pure religion lies,
Dwells the Father in his Son;
God who reigns above the skies,
God is found in Christ alone.
2. Very Man of very man,
Temple of the Deity,
Whom the heav'ns cannot contain,
Bow our inmost souls to thee:
Exiles while on Earth we mourn,
Captives in a world of care,
All our tho'ts to thee we turn,
Ev'ry wish and ev'ry prayer.
3. Prostrate now the cross before,
Join we in thy Spirit’s cry,
Thine humanity adore,
Wait thy coming from the sky:
Come, and fix your Temple here,
All thy majesty reveal,
With thy blushing scars appear,
Heaven and Earth with glory fill.
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #101