1 Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns
Supremely in my breast,
And oh, he fills my soul with joy,
With love, and peace, and rest.
He sought his wayward, wand'ring one,
Far up the mountain wild,
And cried in pitying tones of love,
Come home, my wand'ring child.
Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns
Supremely in my breast,
And oh, he fills my soul with joy,
With love, and peace, and rest.
2 Praise his name, praise his name,
I now with rapture sing,
For he alone hath conquered death,
And robbed it of its sting.
I fear no more its chilling tide,
Nor shrink to cross the wave,
For he who gave his life for me,
Is mighty yet to save. [Refrain]
3 Glorious hope, glorious hope
He to his child hath given,
That when the toils of life are o'er,
With him we'll dwell in heaven.
We'll roam the fields of fadeless green,
We'll swell the angel throng,
We'll strike our harps of shining gold,
We'll sing the new, new song. [Refrain]