1 Jesus, Redeemer, ere the light,
Born in transcendent glory bright;
Effulgent Thou, with equal beam
Proceeding from Thy Sire supreme.
2 Thee the great Father’s light we know,
Eternal hope of all below;
Regard our prayer, to Thee we fly,
Oh, hear Thy suppliant servants’ cry.
3 Redeemer, blest Creator, Thou
For our redemption once didst bow;
Assuming, to avert our doom,
Man’s nature from the virgin’s womb.
4 This joyful day returns to prove
That miracle of boundless love,
When by the Father’s only Son
The world’s salvation was begun.
5 Him the bright stars, the earth, the sea
And all beneath Heav’n’s canopy,
The author of our birth anew,
Praise with new hymns and glory due.
6 And we, whom Thy atoning blood
Has cleansed with pure redeeming flood,
With hymns on this Thy natal day,
The tribute of our homage pay.
7 Jesus, of virgin born, to Thee
May praise and glory ever be,
With Father and with Holy Ghost,
By men and Heav’n’s eternal host.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8383