1 Jesus, our Savior, bless us today,
Teach us and guide us, all of the way
Up to the mansion waiting above,
Help us, dear Savior, to walk in Thy love.
Jesus, our Savior,
Oh, bless us today,
Guide us and help us
Thy will to obey.
2 Jesus, we love Thee better than all,
Keep very near us lest we should fall,
We are but children, careless and weak,
From sinful pathways protection we seek. [Refrain]
3 If we should leave Thee, follow us still;
If we e’er grieve Thee, teach us Thy will;
Be with us ever where we may roam,
Keep us, dear Savior, till we reach Thy home. [Refrain]
Source: Sunshine No. 2: songs for the Sunday school #9