1 Jesus, our Lord shall reign, His kingdom shall increase,
And soon o’er all the world shall fall the balm of peace;
No more shall war be heard in all earth’s green domain,
For Christ shall reign, from bondage give release.
Jesus, our Lord shall reign, we need not be dismayed,
Tho’ foes arise and darts are hurled we will not be afraid;
He is able to deliver us, in His all-glorious day,
For Christ shall reign, for Christ shall reign, shall reign for aye.
2 Jesus, our Lord shall reign, then forward to the field,
Thro’ all the conflict He shall be our strength and shield;
Then of good courage be, and loyal in the fight,
For Christ shall reign, all wrong things He will right. [Refrain]
3 Jesus, our Lord shall reign, then let us joyful be,
And serve our King and bring the fruits of victory;
His armor now put on, and gladly face the foe,
For Christ shall reign, thro’ all the world below. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost No. 2 #76