1 Jesus, only Jesus,
He is all we need,
He who doth forever,
For us intercede.
Jesus, blessed Jesus!
At thy feet we fall;
Precious Savior, Jesus!
Thou art all in all.
2 Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Came from heav’n above,
Bore our sins and sorrows;
Ah, amazing love! [Chorus]
3 Jesus, gracious Jesus,
He for us has died;
What a gracious Savior
Is the crucified! [Chorus]
4 Jesus, holy Jesus,
Bids us God to serve;
From that holy service
May we never swerve. [Chorus]
5 Jesus, faithful Jesus,
Ne’er will he forsake;
From his daily presence
May we courage take. [Chorus]
Source: Good Will: A collection of New Music for Sabbath Schools and Gospel Meetings (Enlarged) #79