1 Jesus now is standing at the threshold of your heart,
Open wide the door and let him in;
Joy and peace forever to your soul he will impart,
He will give you rest from sin.
Bid him welcome, welcome,
Haste while he is knocking, lest he turn away,
Bid him welcome, bid him welcome,
Welcome to your heart today.
2 Shall the loving Saviour, who has done so much for you,
In your heart a dwelling be denied?
Oh, if but a part of all his tender love you knew,
You would bid him there abide, [Refrain]
3 Do not keep him waiting till his gentle soul is grieved,
"Why should all his pleading be in vain?
Such a friend us Jesus should be joyfully received.
Welcomed, that he might remain, [Refrain]
4 Jesus came and suffered on the cross to set you free,
Leaving all the glory of his throne;
Oh, then bid him welcome to your heart, and let it be
Now and evermore his own. [Refrain]
Source: Our Praise in Song: a collection of hymns and sacred melodies, adapted for use by Sunday schools, Endeavor societies, Epworth Leagues, evangelists, pastors, choristers, etc. #34