1 Jesus my Savior is all that I need,
Shepherd to lead me in pastures to feed,
Pilot to guide me o’er life’s stormy sea,
Wonderful Pilot is He.
Jesus my Savior is all that I need,
All that I need, all that I need;
Fountain of life and the heart of my Creed,
Yes, Jesus is all that I need.
2 He is the Truth and the Life and the Way,
Constant Companion thru life’s fleeting day,
Comforter, Teacher, Redeemer and Friend,
Bridegroom who loves to the end. [Refrain]
3 Jesus my Savior, Thy praise will I sing,
Prophet and Priest, and my soon-coming King.
Just to behold Thee, what rapture indeed,
Filling my soul’s ev’ry need. [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #81