1 Jesus my Saviour did leave His bright home,
To rescue a sinner like me;
Laid down His scepter, and gave up His throne,
To shamefully die on the tree.
Oh, such wonderful love,
Oh, such wonderful love;
Jesus my Saviour left scepter and throne,
To suffer and die to save me.
2 Palaces, mansions, and inns had no room,
When Jesus in infancy came;
Born in a manger ‘midst sin’s deepest gloom,
Was Jesus the Saviour of men. [Refrain]
3 Wayfaring man of grief, homeless and poor,
Came Jesus my Saviour and Lord;
Poured out His infinite love to redeem,
And save us through faith in His word. [Refrain]
Source: Give Thanks and Sing: for use in all religious meetings #55