1 Jesus, my hope, while here below,
My all in life and death,
Thou only canst on me bestow
The gift of precious faith;
2 All that I need thou hast to give,
For so thy promise saith;
Then grant me, Lord, on thee to live
A life of precious faith.
3 Though fears and snares, by day and night,
Still wait upon my path,
Lord, give me skill and strength to fight
The fight of precious faith.
4 In all the storms I meet with here,
From men and devils wrath,
Still help me, Lord, to persevere,
And walk by precious faith.
5 Help me to know and love thy word,
And live upon thy truth;
And let each precious promise, Lord,
Be mine by precious faith.
6 Nor shall I be by thee forgot,
When I yield up my breath;
Then shall it be my happy lot
To die in precious faith.
7 And when in glory I appear
Triumphant over death,
Then shall I, Lord, for ever there
Bless thee for precious faith.
Source: A Collection of Evangelical Hymns #CXXIV