1 Jesus, man of sorrows,
Thy redeeming plan,
Saving from sin’s terrors,
Circles ev’ry man;
Thy good spirit drew me
Till to Thee I gave,
My heart sad and weary,
Raised from sin’s dark grave.
2 Were there not a Saviour,
Then our tears might flow;
But our great Redeemer,
Came to banish woe;
Who by faith exclaimeth,
“My God and my Lord!”
In this life regaineth,
Paradise restored.
3 Thou hast me forgiven,
Tho’ by sin defiled;
Made an heir of heaven,
Once Thy guilty child.
I have happy hours
Now, my Lord with Thee;
When opprest, new powers
Make me glad and free.
4 When the journey’s ended,
Christ will take my hand,
Gently see me landed,
Safe on Canaan’s strand;
There the saints victorious,
Sing of conflicts past,
Taste of joys more glorious,
Which forever last.
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 3 #125