1 Jesus knows by name His sheep, yes, every one!
And He feeds in pleasant pastures, every one!
Fills each heart with holy rapture, every one!
Jesus is the Shepherd of His sheep.
All the way, the Shepherd leads His trusting sheep;
All the way, the Shepherd does in safety keep;
All the way, the Shepherd’s love His sheep may share;
All the way, I’m in the Shepherd’s care.
2 Jesus seeks His scattered sheep, yes, every one!
Now arise! He comes to rescue every one!
Hasten! for He longs to save you, every one!
Jesus is the Shepherd of His sheep. [Refrain]
3 Jesus loves the erring sheep, yes, every one!
Tho’ your years in sin are squandered, every one!
He’ll forgive, tho’ far you’ve wandered, every one!
Jesus is the Shepherd of His sheep. [Refrain]
4 Jesus saves the trusting sheep, yes, every one!
All your sins will be forgiven, every one!
And He’ll guide you safe to heaven, every one!
Jesus is the Shepherd of His sheep. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom: for use in religious meetings #58