1 Jesus is the same for ever;
We may change, but Jesus never,
Jesus never.
2 From our wanderings home returning,
Lo, He meets us with His yearning,
Fondest yearning.
3 Small the service we can render,
He is patient still and tender,—
Oh, how tender!
4 Day by day He walks beside us,
Ours to shield us, ours to guide us,
Shield and guide us.
5 Calm we sleep, for He, unsleeping,
Folds us with almighty keeping,
Sleepless keeping.
6 Lord, the heart that He created
Only with Himself is sated,
Sweetly sated.
7 He is nearer than our nearest,
He is dearer than our dearest,
More than dearest.
8 He will lead us to perfection,
And complete His great election,
His election.
9 Down the age His purpose ranges,
Changeless in the mist of changes,
Through all changes.
10 For the work He set before Him,
We adore Him—fall before Him,
We adore Him.
11 Earth! to heaven with praises raise Him!
Heaven! with higher praising praise Him!
Praise Him, praise Him!
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #250