1 Jesus is the light that’s shining on our way;
If we follow Jesus, bright will be the day;
In that precious light, oh, let us ever stay;
Walking in the light of God.
If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another;
And the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.
2 If we walk in darkness we will often fall;
Christ will give us light, and guide us one and all;
Come and walk with Jesus, heed the Spirit’s call;
Walking in the light of God. [Chorus]
3 Shine upon our pathway, so that we may see;
As we journey onward may we follow Thee;
In the heav’nly light, oh, let us ever be;
Walking in the light of God. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School and Revival: with Y.M.C.A. supplement #150