1 Jesus is my joy and sunshine,
All along life’s dreary way;
His blest presence makes my pathway
Bright as heaven’s golden day.
Joy, joy, blessed joy and sunshine,
Fills my happy soul today;
Peace, blessed peace is ever mine,
Shining all along my way.
2 And the glory of His presence
Fills my weary soul with peace;
And my heart is full of gladness—
Full of songs that never cease. [Chorus]
3 Day by day the way grows brighter;
O’er my path heav’n’s golden ray
Sheds its beams of glorious sunlight,
Like unto the “perfect day.” [Chorus]
4 Beauties never seen by mortals,
To the eye of faith appears;
As we near the heav’nly portals,
Far beyond this vale of tears. [Chorus]
Source: Melodies of Salvation: a collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs #155