1 Jesus is coming! O hear the glad song,
Coming again, 'though he's tarried so long,
To gather his saints a jubilant throng,
Jesus is coming again!
Jesus is coming, He's coming again;
Jesus is coming, yes, coming again;
He'll gather his saints from hilltop and plain,
Jesus is coming again.
2 Jesus is coming! His saints shall awake,
Coming again, earth shall tremble and shake;
Our God's waiting ones of glory partake,
Jesus is coming again! [Chorus]
3 Jesus is coming! His promise is true,
Coming to earth and all things he'll renew;
His saints will rejoice and welcome him too;
Jesus is coming again! [Chorus]
4 Jesus is coming! The bells loudly ring,
Praise never ending the saints sweetly sing;
Coming to reign as our glorious King,
Jesus is coming again! [Chorus]
5 Jesus is coming! O quickly prepare
To enter with him the home over there;
Forever to live in mansions so fair,
Jesus is coming again! [Chorus]
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #133