1 Jesus is calling, sinner, to you;
Settle the question, what will you do?
Will you now heed the voice of His love?
O do no longer obstinate prove.
O will you hear the gospel's sweet call?
Will you to Christ in penitence fall?
Will you accept His proffers of grace,
Entering now the kingdom of peace?
2 Settle the question, death is at hand;
Judgment approaches, where will you stand?
When the great Judge in wrath shall appear,
Where will you stand, O wicked one, where? [Refrain]
3 Settle the question, settle it now,
Christ with the crown of thorns on His brow,
Offering pardon thro' His heart's blood,
Pleads with you now to turn unto God. [Refrain]
4 Settle the question, why will you die?
God His salvation now, bringeth nigh;
Danger and death are found in delay;
Would you be saved? then why not today? [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #230