1 Jesus, how glorious is thy grace!
How excellent thy name!
Unclouded heaven's in thy face,
Thou venerable Lamb.
2 Tho' thou wast rich in angel's songs,
Thou willingly wast born
To feel the rage of mortal Ttongues,
Their ridicule and scorn.
3 Tho' thou wast rich in pow'r supreme,
Yet didst thou condescend,
From worms of earth to suffer shame,
And insults from the fiend.
4 Tho' thou wast rich in righteousness,
Divinely pure within;
Yet didst thou feel hell's deep distress,
When made our curse and sin.
5 Tho' thou wast infinitely high
And rich, yet didst thou take
The deepest shame and poverty,
And for the sinner's sake:
6 That, thro' thy poverty and loss,
We might be rich and blest;
And, by the labours of thy cross,
Might gain eternal rest.
7 Inrich'd by all thy loss and smart,
Thy heav'n's on man bestow'd;
Witness'd, when from thy bleeding heart
The blood and water flow'd.
8 Our dearest Lord, we bless thy grace,
Thy wond'rous love admire;
To see the beauties of thy face,
May all the world desire.
9 Live Jesus, live for evermore,
Whilst all the sons of God
Thy glorious person shall adore,
And bless thy grace and blood.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CXXXI