1 Jesus has told us to proclaim,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end,
Salvation in His holy name,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end;
Go forth, then, brother, haste to tell,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end;
Your pray'rs and labors shall prevail,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end.
He has been with us, and He is still with us,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end;
He has been with us, and is still with us,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end.
2 Tho' many snares beset our way,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end,
We only need to watch and pray,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end.
Tho' we are weak our Lord is strong,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end;
Hold out, the way will not be long,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end. [Refrain]
3 When thro' deep waters we shall go,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end,
he will not let the streams o'erflow,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end.
Tho' thro' the burning flames we're driv'n,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end;
They only make us fit for heav'n,
He's promis'd to be with us to the end. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #145