1. Jesus, full of love divine,
I am Thine and Thou art mine;
Let me live and die to prove
Thine unutterable love.
More and more of love I claim,
Glowing still with quenchless flame;
All my heart to Thee aspires,
Yearns with infinite desire.
2. Every thought, design, and word
Burns with love to Thee, my Lord;
Body, soul, and spirit joined,
All in love to Thee combined.
Ever since I saw Thy face,
Proved Thy plenitude of grace,
Chose Thee as the better part—
Love has filled and fired my heart.
3. Jesus, Savior, Thou art mine;
Jesus, all I have is Thine;
Never shall the altar fire,
Kindled on my heart, expire.
Love my darkness shall illume,
Love shall all my sins consume:
Sweetly then I die to prove
An eternity of love!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #3311