1 Jesus came to save my soul,
All for me, all for me;
Came to make the wounded whole,
All for me, all for me.
Jesus wore a crown of thorn,
Bearing grief, and pain, and scorn;
‘Twas for me they all were borne,
All for me, all for me.
2 Oh! what love was His to give,
All for me, all for me;
When He died that I might live,
All for me, all for me.
Jesus pardons all my sin,
Shows a kingdom I may win;
Where He bids me enter in,
All for me, all for me.
3 Untold blessings may be mine,
All for me, all for me;
Thro’ His grace and love divine,
All for me, all for me.
With the Lord who loves me so,
Joys eternal I shall know,
Where the crystal waters flow,
All for me, all for me.
Source: Gospel Herald in Song #121