1 Jesus came, Jesus came,
Born a little child for me;
To this world of sin and shame
Came, from sin to set me free:
He who all the world did frame,
Laid aside his majesty;
Jesus came, Jesus came,
Born a little bade for me.
2 Jesus died, Jesus died,
Died a cruel death for me;
For my sake was crucified,
Hanging on the cursed tree:
Pierced hands and bleeding side,
Wounded for my sake I see;
Jesus died, Jesus died,
Died upon the cross for me.
3 Jesus rose, Jesus rose,
Left the gloomy grave for me;
Gained the vict'ry o'er my foes,
Conquer'd the last enemy;
Peaceful I shall sleep in death
Till his call shall set me free.
Jesus rose, Jesus rose,
Rose and left the grave for me.
4 Jesus lives, Jesus lives,
Ever lives to plead for me--
Day by day my sin forgives,
Grants me grace his child to be;
When immortal life he gives,
I shall rise his face to see:
Jesus lives, Jesus lives,
Lives to intercede for me.
Source: The Little Seraph: in seven character notes, for churches and Sunday-schools #113