1 Jesu, behold the Wise from far,
Led to they Cradle by a Star
Bring Gifts to thee, their God and King:
O guide us by thy Light, that we
The Way may find, and so to thee
Our Hearts, our all for Tribute bring.
2 Jesu, the pure, the spotless lamb,
Who to the Temple humbly came,
Duteous the legal Rights to pay,
O make our proud, our stubborn Will
All thy Wise, gracious Laws fulfill,
What e'er rebellous Nature say.
3 Jesu, who on the fatal Wood
Pour'dst forth thy Life's last drop of Blood
Nail'd to th' accursed shameful Cross,
O may we bless thy Love, and be
Ready, dear Lord, to bear for thee
All Shame, all Grief, all Pain, all Loss!
4 Jesus, who by thine own Love slain,
By thine own Power took'st Life again
And Conqueror from the Graves did'st rise,
O may thy Death our Hearts revive,
And at our Death a new Life give,
A glorious Life that never dies.
65 Jesu, who to thy Heaven again
Return'dst in triumph, there to reign
Of Men and Angels sovereign King,
O may our parting souls take flight
Up to that Land of Joy and Light
And there for ever grateful sing.
6 All glory to the sacred Three,
One undivided Deity,
All Honour, Power and Love and Praise;
Still may thy bless'd Name shine bright
In beams of uncreated Light
Crown'd with its own eternal Rays.
Source: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns #XVII