1. Jerusalem divine,
When shall I call thee mine?
And to thy holy hill attain,
Where weary pilgrims rest,
And in thy glories blest,
With God Messiah ever reign?
2. There saints and angels join
In fellowship divine,
And rapture swells the solemn lay,
While all with one accord,
Adore their precious Lord,
And shout His praise in endless day.
3. May I but find the grace
To fill a humble place
In that inheritance above;
My tuneful voice I’ll raise
In songs of loudest praise,
To spread Thy fame, Redeeming Love!
4. Reign, true Messiah, reign!
Thy kingdom shall remain
When stars and sun no more shall shine;
Mysterious Deity,
Who ne’er began to be,
To sound Thy endless praise be mine!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #3240