1 Jehovah reigns, let therefore all
the guilty nations quake;
On Cherubs wings he sits enthron'd;
let earth's foundations shake.
2 On Sion's hill he keeps his court,
his palace makes her tow'rs;
Yet thence his sov'reignty extends
supreme o'er earthly pow'rs.
3 Let therefore all with praise address
his great and dreadful Name;
And, with his unresisted might
his holiness proclaim.
4 For truth and justice, in his reign,
of strength and pow'r take place;
His judgments are with righteousness
dispens'd to Jacob's race.
5 Therefore exalt the Lord our God;
before his foot-stool fall;
And with his unresisted might,
his holiness extol.
6 Moses and Aaron thus of old
among his priests ador'd;
Among his prophets Samuel thus
his sacred Name implor'd.
Distress'd, upon the Lord they call'd,
who ne'er their suit deny'd;
But, as with rev'rence they implor'd,
he graciously reply'd.
7 For with their camp, to guide their march,
the cloudy pillar mov'd;
They kept his Law, and to his will
obedient servants prov'd.
8 He answer'd them, forgiving oft
his people for their sake;
And those who rashly them oppos'd
did sad examples make.
9 With worship at his sacred courts
exalt our God and Lord;
For he, who only holy is,
alone should be ador'd.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms: in metre; with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship #XCIX