1. Jehovah my kind shepherd is,
He doth my wants supply;
2. In pastures green, by waters still,
He makes me down to lie.
3. My soul, so prone to go astray,
He mildly doth reclaim;
And leads me on in righteous paths,
For the honor of his name.
4. Though through death's shady vale I walk,
No evil will I fear;
Thy rod directs, and staff defends,
For thou art with me there.
5. My table thou hast richly spread,
In presence of my foes;
Thou dost my head with oil anoint,
My cup it overflows.
6. Goodness, and mercy, surely shall
Attend me all my days;
My fixed abode forever, Lord,
Shall be thy house of praise.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752