1 Jehovah, I upon thee call,
O make thou haste to me:
And hearken thou unto my voice,
When I do cry to thee.
2 O let my pray'r directed be,
Before thee incense wise:
And of my soul the lifting up
As ev'ning sacrifice.
3 Jehovah, O that thou would'st set
A watch my mouth before;
And also of my lips be thou
The keeper of the door.
4 Bow not my heart to any ill,
To do a wicked deed,
With men who mischief work: nor let
Me of their dainties feed.
5 Let the just smite me, kindness 'tis,
Let him reproof me give;
It shall be like a precious oyl,
My head it shall not grieve.
For yet my pray'rs are in their wo.
6 When judges theirs are cast
In rocky places, them my words,
Shall sweet be to their taste.
7 As one who cuts and cleaveth wood
About upon th ground:
So all about the mouth of graves
Our bones are scatter'd round.
8 But unto thee, O God the Lord,
Directed are mine eyes:
My soul, O leave not destitute,
On thee my hope relies.
9 O do thou keep me from the snare
Which they have laid for me:
And also from the grins of those
Who work iniquity.
10 But let them all who wicked are,
Into their own net fall,
Until that altogether I,
Escape in safety shall.
Source: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament: faithfully translated into English metre: for the use, edification, and comfort of the saints...especially in New-England (25th ed) #PCXLI