1 JEHOVAH reigns as King supreme;
let all the nations quake:
He sits enthron'd on cherubims,
let all the earth then shake.
2 JEHOVAH great in Zion is,
above all people high.
3 Thy great and dreadful name let them
praise for its sanctity.
4 This mighty King does judgment love,
and equity ordain:
Both judgment Thou and righteousness
in Jacob dost maintain.
5 Do ye the LORD our God exalt;
and bowing worship ye
Before the footstool of his throne:
the HOLY ONE is He.
6 When Moses, Aaron, with his priests,
and Samuel with all
Who sought his name, cry'd to the LORD,
He kindly heard their call!
7 He from the cloudy pillar spake,
and shew'd to them his will:
The laws and statutes He them gave
they labour'd to fulfil.
8 Thou didft them hear O LORD our God;
a sparing God Thou wast;
Tho' for their bold inventions Thou
didst vengeance take at last.
9 Exalt the LORD our God; and in
his holy mount adore,
Because the LORD, who is our God,
is holy evermore.
Source: The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre: being the New-England Psalm-Book, revised and improved... (2nd ed.) #PXCIX