1. I've wandered in the darkness long enough,
Without a hand to guide me;
Beyond is a waste too dang'rous and rough,
Now I turn, dear Lord, to Thee.
I start this very day
To lay aside my way,
Whate'er Thou shalt make it,
I will undertake it,
To do Thy will, not mine.
2. The pleasures I've sought are fading away,
My friends are going from me;
I am nearing the end of my life's short day,
Now I turn, dear Lord, to Thee.
3. The chains of sin are binding my heart,
I have tried so oft to be free;
Again in Thy name, dear Jesus, I start,
To cast my all on Thee.
4. I hear that Thou saved a thief on the cross,
When he turned and looked on Thee;
If Thou, as of old, art saving the lost,
I pray to Thee, remember me.
Source: Soul Echoes: a collection of songs for religious meetings (No. 2) #17