1. I’ve turned from the world and its follies,
Forever forsaken all sin;
I’ve given myself unto Jesus
To ever and only serve Him.
I’ll put my whole heart in His service,
And do all He asketh of me;
I mean to live holy and blameless—
A Christian indeed will I be.
2. I will not be languid or careless,
Or formal, or cold, or untrue;
But, striving with earnest endeavor,
The will of my Lord I will do. [Refrain]
3. Since Jesus gave all to redeem me,
Since only through mercy I live,
It now is my joy and my purpose
A wholehearted service to give. [Refrain]
4. Oh, help me, dear Lord, to be ready
The task that Thou givest to do,
Not shrinking from labor or duty,
Devoted and faithful and true. [Refrain]
Timeless Truths