1. It is sweet to think of the Saviour's words,
While here as pilgrims and strangers we roam,
That the holy angels will He send forth,
To gather the saints to the promised home.
Almost time, it is almost time,
Almost time for the angels to come;
Almost time, it is almost time,
Time for the angels to gather us home.
2. And the theme grows sweeter as we behold
The time of harvest so nearly at hand;
And we almost watch for the shining ones,
To bear us away to the better land. [Chorus]
3. Hasten, angel band, from the glory heights,
And take us o'er to the sweet other side;
To the blessed presence of Christ our Lord
Convey us, and let us with Him abide. [Chorus]
Source: The Gospel Awakening: a collection of original and selected "hymns and spiritual songs" for the use in gospel meetings everywhere #160