1 Is there any firm foundation where my soul may rest secure,
That thro’ time and endless ages shall unshaken be and sure?
When I read the gospel story, tho’ so old, so wondrous new,
In the precept and the promise, does he mean me, too?
Yes, he means me, too, He means me, too,
So day by day I’ll trust him to bring me through;
I know he will not fail me, for his promises are true,
In each one that he has given, he means me, too.
2 When to tempt me Satan whispers, “These are not for you at all,
But for Abraham and Moses, and for Peter, James and Paul;”
Then I press my Bible closer, Jesus’ dying love I view,
And I know in ev’ry promise that he means me, too. [Refrain]
3 I am born of heaven’s Monarch and with Christ am heir of God,
I am in the same old pathway that the saints before me trod;
In me dwells the self-same Sprit, and his witness, sweet and true,
In my heart just now assures me that he means me, too. [Refrain]
4 There shall be a sure fulfillment, faith shall not be turned away,
For our God is just as faithful as he was some other day;
Let us just believe him, brother, and his glory we shall see,
We shall know that ev’ry promise is for you and me. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #14