1 Is Jesus a Shepherd,
As oft we are told?
Then children that love him
Are lambs of his fold.
From wolves he will guard them,
And never will cease
To lead to green pastures
By waters of peace.
2 Is Jesus a Teacher!
Then by the same rule,
The children that love him
Belong to his school.
The lessons he teaches
So sweetly are told,
That every child thinks them
More precious than gold.
3 Is Jesus a Captain?
His soldiers we are,
His banner above us
Bears Bethlehem's star.
The foes that we fight are
The world, flesh and sin;
We trust through our leader
The battle to win.
4 Is Jesus a Savior?
Then sinners are we;
But he from sin's bondage
Our souls will set free;
And when in the judgment
Before him shall stand,
We trust to be found at
This Savior's right hand.
Source: The Little Minstrel: a collection of songs and music, with lessons of instruction, mathematically arranged plan of notation #34