1 Is it true that some sweet day
We shall greet our loved ones gone?
True that tears are wiped away
In that land of endless morn?
Yes, 'tis true, I know 'tis true,
There's a land all bright and fair;
And a crow of glory too,
In that home just over there.
2 Is it true that streets of gold
Lead from gates of pearl so rare?
True that half has not been told
Of that home just over there?
Yes 'tis true, I know 'tis true,
That the streets are paved with gold:-
True that of that city fair,
Half has never yet been told.
3 Is it true that naught of sin
Ever finds an entrance there?
Is it true that once within
All are free from grief and care?
Yes, 'tis true, I know 'tis true,
All the saints are robed in white,
And the endless ages thro'
Know no sin, no pain, no night.
Source: The New Praiseworthy: for the Church and Sunday School #222