1 Is it indeed too late, too late?
Does Truth retain no open gate?
Is there no way to enter in?
No expiation for my sin?
2 Is there no heart to brave the worst?
No hand that will my fetters burst?
O human love, O Love Divine,
Have ye not chords to answer mine?
3 O smitten Rock, Thy sacred cleft
Invites—no other refuge left;
Though none had tenderness beside,
In Thy great tenderness I hide.
4 Here, from the sacred crimson stream,
The broad bright belts of mercy gleam;
Here, from the deepest depths of shame,
Is found forgiveness through the Name.
5 Give me, O living Bread, to feed
On Thee, and satisfy my need;
Touch with Thy piercèd hand my chain,
And not a fetter shall remain.
6 O Lord of lords, O Light of light,
Faith climbs to Thee form death’s dark night;
Thyself the antidote of care,
The sweet “Amen” to life’s long prayer;
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #18