1 Into the world with a mission,
Kept by His bountiful care,
God the kind Father has sent us,
Tidings of Jesus to bear.
Help us to know Thee, dear Savior,
Simple and pure as Thou art;
Then in the spirit of meekness
May we Thy love-light impart.
2 Happy of heart is the Christian,
Cheered by a presence divine;
Jesus beside him is walking,
Giving him power to shine. [Refrain]
3 Gloomy and dark are the shadows,
Where sin and sorrow abound;
Jesus would have His disciples
Spreading His sunshine around. [Refrain]
4 This, then, shall be our endeavor,
Loyal disciples to be;
Lighting the darkness for Jesus,
Shining, dear Savior, for Thee. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10066