1 Indulgent God, to Thee we pray,
Be with us on this solemn day;
Smile on our souls, our plans approve,
By which we seek to spread Thy love.
2 Let party prejudice be gone,
And love unite our hearts in one;
Let all we have and are, combine
To aid this glorious work of Thine.
3 Point us to men of upright mind,
Devoted, diligent, and kind;
With grace be all their hearts endowed,
And light to guide them in the road.
4 With cheerful steps may they proceed,
Where'er Thy providence shall lead;
Let heaven and earth their work befriend,
And mercy all their paths attend.
5 Great let the bands of those be found
Who shall attend the gospel sound:
And let Barbarians, bond and free,
In suppliant throngs resort to Thee.
6 Where Pagan altars now are built,
And brutal blood, or human, spilt,
There be the bleeding cross high reared,
And God, our God, alone revered.
7 Where captives groan beneath their chain,
Let grace, and love, and concord reign;
The aged and the infant tongue
Unite in one harmonious song.
Source: The Book of Worship #391
First Line: | Indulgent God, to thee we pray |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |