1. In Zion's courts below,
"The Lord is there,"
Where pilgrims love to go,
"The Lord is there."
He's promis'd there to be,
In the midst of two or three,
Who in His name agree,
"The Lord is there."
2. All one in Christ, how good!
"The Lord is there,"
Sav'd by His precious blood,
"The Lord is there."
For pow'r divine they plead,
That they might be His indeed,
And find in times of need,
"The Lord is there."
3. Where saints exalt His name,
"The Lord is there,"
Bearing the Cross and shame,
"The Lord is there."
He will their strength renew,
Who His precious precepts do,
And prove the promise true,
"The Lord is there."
4. When souls for mercy cry,
"The Lord is there,"
To broken hearts how nigh!
"The Lord is there."
With joy behold Him bring
Unto such the robe and ring,
While saints and angels sing,
"The Lord is there."
5. In yon bright world above,
"The Lord is there,"
Where all is peace and love,
"The Lord is there."
No sin, no griefs, or pains;
Evil there no entrance gains,
Where endless glory reigns,
"The Lord is there."
Source: The Gospel Awakening: a collection of original and selected "hymns and spiritual songs" for the use in gospel meetings everywhere #2