1 In this world there is so much to do,
Work for me, and duties large for you;
Let us go with purpose firm and true,
Loyal to Jesus, the Christ, our King!
In His name, with earnest consecration,
Go we forth to herald His salvation!
To the cross of Calvary we cling,
Loyal to Jesus, the Christ, our King!
2 Into homes all dark with want and woe,
Where the tares of sin and sorrow grow,
speaking kindly words of love, we go,
Loyal to Jesus, the Christ, our King! [Chorus]
3 In the strength He gives us from above,
Ev'ry where we tell His wondrous love
To the world, by daily living, prove
Loyal to Jesus, the Christ, our King!
Source: The New Praiseworthy: for the Church and Sunday School #123