I. In Thee, Lord CHRIST, is fix'd my Hope
And only Consolation;
I know, thy Mercy bears me up,
Whilst in this mortal Station:
None of the Holiest round thy Throne,
Nor any Saint on Earth, I own,
Can here relieve me in Distress.
To Thee I press,
The Center of my Happiness.
II. I feel the Load of Sin, and grieve
My Guilt beyond Expression;
Bur for thy Blood's sake, Lord, forgive
My numberless Transgression;
And, cloathed with thy Righteousness,
Restore me to thy Father's Grace,
To taste his condescending Love:
Lord, still improve
Thy Promise made me from above.
III. A living Faith, O Lord, bestow
On me thy feeble Creature,
That I may taste and see and know
The Sweetness of thy Nature,
And love my God in Word and Thought,
And ll my Neighbours as I ought;
And when I leave this mortal Clay,
Oh, chace away
The Pow'rs of SATAN in that Day.
IV. To our Almighty God above,
The Father everlasting,
To God made Man, his Son and Love,
Whose Merit's never wasting,
And to the HOLY GHOST be giv'n
Immortal Praise in Earth and Heav'n:
To Thee, the Holy God alone,
Great Three in One,
All Honour be for ever done.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #91