1 In the silence of the night,
Long, long years ago,
From the starry heav’nly height
Came the Christ below;
He was born that men mighty know
Joy in anguish, rest in woe;
Yea, this Child did come to give
Peace on earth that men might live.
2 Shepherds from the far hillside
Sought that manger rude;
With the angel’s word to guide,
They their way pursued,
Saw the lowing oxen nigh
Where the little Child did lie;
David’s Son come down to give
Peace on earth, that men might live.
3 Wise men on the desert track
Hailed that beacon bright,
Onward pressed and turned not back,
Guided by its light.
For to seek the King they came,
All their heart with love aflame,
Lowly kneeling they adored,
For that Child was Christ the Lord.
4 We no angel’s voice have heard,
And no star we see,
Yet we fain would trust Thy word,
Yielding all to Thee.
Lo, we come with hearts aglow,
Thro’ the coldness of the snow,
For, dear Lord, Thou still dost give
Peace on earth, that men may live.
Source: The Junior Hymnal, Containing Sunday School and Luther League Liturgy and Hymns for the Sunday School #112