1 In the name of Jesus do we watch and pray,
Seeking for a deeper knowledge of our King;
At his throne, united, fervently we pray
For a blessing, as our all to him we bring.
In the name of Jesus do we work and pray,
Doing what we can to serve him here below;
Like a shepherd he is leading, guiding day by day,
Into pastures where the cooling waters flow.
2 In the name of Jesus sowing goodly seed
That will spring to life and unto harvest grow;
Seeking ev’ry day by kindly word and deed,
That we may the Spirit of the Master show. [Chorus]
3 “In the name of Jesus,” shall our motto be,
As we daily love and serve him more and more;
And, although the way we may not always see,
We can hear him calling, calling on before. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School Voices, No.2 #40