1 In the name of Jehovah our banner we raise,
With its stars and its stripes pledged anew to his praise:
'Tis the ensign of truth, 'tis the standard of right,
'Tis the herald of liberty, union, and right.
And the flag of our fathers, in God's name unfurled,
O'er their children shall wave to the end of the world.
2 If it ever prove false to its glorious trust,
May its foes drag it down with contempt to the dust;
But as long as 'tis true to the blazon it holds,
Shall the arm of Omnipotence bear up its folds.
3 Here at home, with one sky and one land, let it be
But the flag of one people, harmonious and free;
From the north to the south, from the east to the west,
With no treason to part it, no war to molest.
4 So abroad on all seas and all shores let it shine
As the symbol of manhood, redeemed and divine;
That the down-trodden nations in triumph may rise,
With their feet on their chains, and their brows to the skies.
Source: The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Church #793