In the Name of Him who loves us
With a love for ever true,
Kind and patient while He proves us,
Nothing what our hearts will do;
We poor children, all unworthy,
For our Father's blessing sue.
2 In the Name of Him who loves us
With His own atoning Blood,
To His fold in childhood brought us,
He our shelter, He our food;
We poor lambs upon the mountain
Gather round our Shepherd good.
3 In the Name of Him who gave us
All our childhood's guiding light,
Ready now to help and save us,
And to rule our lives aright;
We poor sinners, weak and helpless,
Here implore the Spirit's might.
4 Heavenly Father, bless Thy children;
Saviour, bind us fast to Thee;
Holy Spirit, teach us, save us,
Make us strong and truly free;
Lord of love, in truth and goodness
Thine for ever may we be.